6 months later.

After six crazy months, Transit has come to an end for our team. It’s been amazing to have seen God move in so many ways. The Lord has worked in us and through us in each of the countries that we have visited. We are so thankful for everyone who prayed for us, supported us financially, and encouraged us through the journey! -Transit team 8

We traveled through Belgium (where our journey began) on our way to the UK


We spend our last 2 weeks of ministry in London. We did holiday clubs with the kids, practical work in a local church, and had a community dinner to invite, serve and get to know people that usually wouldn’t go to church.


On the way back to the UK

We are already on our last day of travel (from Moldova to UK) and currently stopping at ZavCenter, where we spent our first month. It was nice to see some of the people here again and spend some time together.

And: Because our blue van needs some time of recreation in the workshop, we’ve got this nice silver van for these last days.

The new van

Love Moldova “B”

Some impressions from our second outreach in Moldova.


Our second outreach in Moldova was full of really great stories of what God did. One in particular stands out. While having a day camp in a local school yard, a nearby kindergarten heard about what we were doing. The director made her way over to our program, and asked if we might have something for the sixty children she had in her center.

We talked for a bit, and she ended up extending a great offer to us. She invited us to use the kindergarten facilities for one of the days of the camp. When some of the local church members heard about this, they were shocked. They said they couldn’t believe that the director allowed us to bring a Bible program into her kindergarten, and were very encouraged to see God opening doors in their community.

We spent the day at the kindergarten with a total of 120 children (60 kindergartners and 60 kids from the village) doing face painting, balloon animals, Bible dramas, and, of course, the big bouncy castle.


During Love Moldova B we have been involved in two different villages. We could play and tell stories about Jesus everyday with sometimes more than 80 kids ! It was a great experience and blessing to share good moments with all of them and communicate Jesus’s love in a different way than the language. We also visited elderly or isolated people, encourage them and pray for them. We participated in church programs sharing testimonies about our journey in Transit and God.


Love Moldova “A”

We have just finished our first outreach in Moldova, and are preparing for our second. We helped run day camps for kids in two villages near the capital, Chisinau. We saw around fifty kids each day jumping in bouncy castles, playing games, singing songs, and learning Bible stories. We are looking forward to the next villages, and are excited to see what God will do.

Puppetshows and folk games in Hungarian schools

Our time in Hungary was a huge blessing. We were given the opportunity to share the Gospel in classrooms, school assemblies, and churches. We were really impressed with how excited the students were, and how open they were to the Gospel. During one of our mission presentations, fourteen students raised their hands when asked if anyone felt called to mission, and two students made a decision for Christ. We are so thankful for the doors God opened in Hungary!

Transit 8 in Hungary

Last Friday we arrived in Hungary.
We helped at a youth mission conference, with administrative stuff and a game parcour for the kids and teenagers participating.

Now we are practicing for a puppet show we will show during the next couple days.


Update from Sarajevo

In Sarajevo we helped the local OM Team to prepare their new ministry centre.

We helped making the yard look nicer, by covering graffiti on the walls, building a tiled walkway through the grass, cutting grass, etc.

It is great to see how our efforts are already being recognized and appreciated by the neighbourhood and how they are getting to know the OM Bosnia team, which just moved into this location.

Sharing the gospel throughout Europe